If you’ve been following us at all you’ll know we are big believers in property management software. Even before the pandemic we’d taken our operations virtual as much as possible.
- Advertising online is truly a necessity at this point.
- There’s no reason to go collect physical checks now that you can take electronic payments.
- Screening can be done virtually instantaneously, and paid for by your applicant.
- Software now gives you the tools to perform virtually all aspects of managing your property with less effort, expense, and travel.
Following are a few articles we’ve recently published, which explain the top reasons why property management software is the best tool for advertising, screening, and accounting. We’ve written others that talk about rent collection, leasing, and maintenance management, which we’ll share soon.

Top 5 Reasons to Advertise Rental Property Online Using Property Management Software
It doesn’t need to be said that having a rental property sit empty quickly kills profitability. With renters of every demographic now using the internet to search for their next home, it’s an obvious choice for landlords to advertise rental property online. Millenials in particular are a huge tech-savy population, and have been dubbed the “generation of renters”. In this article we talk about the advantages of using property management software to place and manage vacancy listings. It’s easy to use, fast, often free, and reaches a huge number of renters.
7 Reasons You Should Be Screening Tenants Online Using Property Management Software
One of the most difficult things about being a landlord is having to deal with tenants who don’t pay rent on time. Even worse, they may damage your property, disturb their neighbors, or cause other problems you just don’t need. To avoid these issues you need to screen applicants thoroughly and proactively, before accepting them as tenants. This article takes a look at some of the reasons screening tenants online using property management software is a smart move for all landlords. (Hint: It’s easy, fast, and usually free!)
7 Reasons to do Your Rental Property Accounting Using Property Management Software
Keeping track of rental property income and expenses can be challenging, especially if business transactions are mixed with personal ones. Property management software with rental property accounting features lets you streamline this process. As a result, rental property tax preparation is easy. Plus, you have good information to make decisions about the financial performance of your investments. In this article, we take a look at some of the reasons to use a property management tool to streamline accounting for your rental property.
Find Your Landlord Software

Our regular readers will know we often discuss the many merits of using property management software and have compared and evaluated many of the top services across a number of features.
Still, it can be confusing and daunting trying to find the right software for you. All of us have unique uses, from advertising, rent collection, tenant screening, lease signing, maintenance tracking, accounting and reporting, or some combination of these.
Please come check out our handy new “bot”! Select the important features you want most out of a software tool, and we will give you our top recommendations, customized to your needs. Let us know what you think, we love feedback!
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Landlord Gurus